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[at-l] Re: knee injury

 A long term solution of knee problems that has worked for me.glucosamine  Note: the mention of the time requiredNote : the mention of the 1500 mg required levelNote: some sort of self advertising mixed in with the article.Note: does not work immediately. It took a year for me A summary of the glucosamine trialhttp://www.arthritis-glucosamine.net/glucosamine/science/lancet-glucosamine.htmlWhat it said One of the most prominent glucosamine studies was released in                           by the Lancet Medical Journal in Lourdes, Belgium.                           This is a summary of the glucosamine trial in the Lancet                            Lancet 2001; 357: 251-56                            Background: Treatment of osteoarthritis is usually limited to                           short-term symptom control. We assessed the effects of the                           specific drug glucosamine sulphate on the long-term progression                           of osteoarthritis joint structure changes and symptoms.                            Methods: We did a randomised, double-blind placebo controlled                           trial, in which 212 patients with knee osteoarthritis were randomly                           assigned 1500 mg sulphate oral glucosamine or placebo once                           daily for 3 years. Weightbearing, anteroposterior radiographs of                           each knee in full extension were taken at enrolment and after 1                           and 3 years. Mean joint-space width of the medial compartment                           of the tibiofemoral joint was assessed by digital image analysis,                           whereas minimum joint-space width--ie, at the narrowest                           point--was measured by visual inspection with a magnifying lens.                           Symptoms were scored by the Western Ontario and McMaster                           Universities (WOMAC) osteoarthritis index.                            Findings: The 106 patients on placebo had
 a progressive                           joint-space narrowing, with a mean joint-space loss after 3 years                           of -0·31 mm (95% CI -0·48 to -0·13). There was no significant                           joint-space loss in the 106 patients on glucosamine sulphate:                           -0·06 mm (-0·22 to 0·09). Similar results were reported with                           minimum joint-space narrowing. As assessed by WOMAC                           scores, symptoms worsened slightly in patients on placebo                           compared with the improvement observed after treatment with                           glucosamine sulphate. There were no differences in safety or                           reasons for early withdrawal between the treatment and placebo                           groups.                             Interpretation: The long-term combined structure-modifying and                           symptom-modifying effects of gluosamine sulphate suggest that it                           could be a disease modifying agent in osteoarthritis.                            In plain language..                            212 patients suffering from Osteoarthritis were divided into two                           groups.One group was given 1500mg of Glucosamine daily for                           three years. The other group was given a placebo daily for three                           years.                            The group given the 1500mg of Glucosamine showed little or no                           deterioration in their joints, whilst the other group on the placebo                           showed the expected deterioration of an Osteoarthritis sufferer.                           Those on the Glucosamine Sulphate showed improvement in                           re-growth of Cartilage, whilst those on the placebo showed a                           marked wasting of cartilage.                           The important thing to note with this study is that the patients                    
       received 1500mg of Glucosamine daily, which is the dose that we                           have always recommended.                            Two capsules of our Glucosamine Sulphate taken daily gives the                           recommended dose of 1500mg Glucosamine and 500mg of                           Sulphate. We have proved over and over again that doctors and                           pharmacists who recommend and prescribe 1500mg of our                           Glucosamine Sulphate see results in their patients after six                           weeks, whereas a lesser dose hardly shows any results at all.                            That is why Doctors, Pharmacists, Health Practitioners,                           Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Nutritionists keep                           recommending and prescribing 1500mg Glucosamine daily to                           their patients. You can buy other Glucosamine Sulphate but will it                           work?                            It would appear that in nearly all cases where Glucosamine                           Sulphate has not worked it has been through under-dosing.  
http://www.engel.org/ihwm  (Courtesy of my friend Glenn Engel) email  --- mike_aken@hotmail.com I hike alone sometimes.Its during these            Mike Akensolo hikes that the number of  arrogant             N7OUJand ignorant people I have  to deal        with is reduced to one.                                             Jack Hampson      

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