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[at-l] ATN article, 1936 Scout Hike

In a message dated 6/12/2002 7:03:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jbkramer@afn.org writes:

> Well carrying 14 days worth of food struck me as difficult, those were
> the days when they probably carried cans of beans and slabs of bacon.
> Must have been 4 or maybe 5 pounds or so a day, call it 60 pounds plus
> their decidedly non light weight camping gear would give them a 100
> pound pack. All this while doing 17 miles a day, LOL.

      *** Not necessarily. The wording had it that on occasion they had to do 
this. Other times they had more frequent support.  I agree this stretches the 
story's credibility, however it doesn't prove it false. With biscuit dough 
and camp bread, hot dogs, oatmeal, bacon, jerky etc, it is possible that they 
did hard stretches.

     He said their gear was primitive. This means they used bows for a 
mattress, no water filter, no wisperlight, no fuel weight, no tent. His pack 
might not have been as heavy as you believe. Though highly unbelievable, it 
is still in the range of possible... 

    I'm very skeptical of his claim myself, I'm just playing devil's advocate 
with the logistics...

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