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[at-l] Climate Change And Regional Influence

In a message dated 6/8/2002 7:45:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jbkramer@afn.org writes:

> I don't know if human activity is causing climatic changes, and no one
> else does either. There just isn't enough evidence to prove it one way
> or the other.

    *** Though the ozone hole is due to a specific chemical cause, I would 
consider it a good indicator of the process. It would be mild insanity to 
think that such a dramatic change of atmospheric input would have no affect. 
Try living in a dense urban/industrial area sometime to sample mass changes 
in equilibrium. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that while the earth's 
environmental regulating systems are being compromised on a broad scale 
(farms taking woodland space, jets seeding the atmosphere with chemicals, 
autos, sprawl, power plants, ocean decline, top soil, extinction, etc) that a 
measurable reaction will take place. The fact that we rely on regular 
rainfalls now just to break even, and droughts have such a more pronounced 
effect because the resources are stretched, shows how vulnerable we are. The 
breaking point is where the long term can no longer bail out the short term 
in terms of immediate effect.

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