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[at-l] What McKaye Really Wanted

In a message dated 4/13/2002 12:48:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
spiriteagle99@hotmail.com writes:

> PS - we're still looking for that post that you claim I wrote, RnR. Is it 
> there - or are you flim-flammin' us again?

      ***   Sorry, I'd like to argue semantics as my main AT focus, but my 
sense of intelligence and self-esteem prevents me. If you read your bible, it 
was the Pharisees who forced people into arguments over words or rules meant 
to confine rather than enlighten. 

      If one has a good sense of the AT, it's original purpose, and what it 
is still doing today, really, all one needs to do is read the 'Regional 
Planning' essay to see MacKaye's ingenious plans. It is only those who refuse 
to acknowledge what has already been achieved who fail to see how MacKaye's 
plans are recognizable right in front of us today were civilization meets 

     On the matter of retrieving posts, I think I've done my share with the 
Putnam issue. I would note, though, that I think it takes a lot of nerve, 
after having been shown up on your previous comments over "having told 
Wingfoot that the website letter method was ineffective, but he didn't 
listen", to come back and make demands on me. You know danged well what you 
wrote and how you meant it. If you can't admit that, that's up to you. I can 
only deal with honest people who admit to their own words...

     Is this what you go through just for trying to prove advocacy works and 
is worth doing, or what the Trail's creator envisioned?

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