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[at-l] Who cares about MacKaye?

On 10 Apr 2002 at 13:30, Shane Steinkamp wrote:

It would be far better, I think, to make our own vision from the place
we stand, rather than rely on the plans of a man standing many 


Well said Shane.  

Vision is not or at least should not be static.  My life has been made 
better by the vision, work and sacrifice of my parents but it is my life.  
In turn I want my children to stand on my shoulders and see farther 
than I will ever be able but it will be their vision.  

To freeze-frame the Trail into a particular era  or just one person's 
vision would cause it to lose relevancy for future generations and 
probably cause the ultimate destruction of the AT.

To be true to MacKayes' original concept requires us to make it fit 
into today's needs and our values. It is our responsibility to our 
children to protect the trail.  We see today's issues, dangers and 
needs much more clearly than MacKaye ever could.  So will those 
who follow us.  He passed the torch to us and that makes it our 
torch for now.  Teach your children well.  

I care about MacKaye...we owe him our gratitude.

Without vision the people perish.
