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Re[2]: [at-l] Perspective on Lekis & ZipStoves


You mean you haven't seen the light?  Weary hasn't convinced you YET, that 
Lekis are the scourge of the earth?  If not, you better buy them now.  God 
knows as long as he's on this list, he'll be bad mouthing them.  Something to 
do with being a stubborn New Englander, I imagine.  

I'm going to suggest Leki brand hiking poles if for no other reason that they 
back them up beyond the original warranty.  A couple years back, after my 
warranty had expired (they never did ask when I bought them) I snapped one of 
the lower wands after it became stuck in the mud (no doubt caused by using 
them in the first place, tic).  After a call to the Leki hotline, they 
arranged for them to be repaired at the very next outfitter.  If you ever 
happen to make it to Trail Days, they'll clean and replace any parts as 
necessary.  Last year my handles and tips were replaced.  What was left of 
the poles that Jim and Ginny sent to me to bring were completely done over.  
No small feat, these poles were pieces and parts!  


> I'm going to be buing some hiking poles soon, and I'm curious what the
> listers have to say regarding selection of a pole.  What makes a good
> hiking pole?  I've never really used poles or walking sticks of any
> kind, and I'm really only buying them because 1) I'm sure I'll want them
> someday, 2)  

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