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[at-l] pittsburgh 02/25/02 730am

pittsburgh 02/25/02 730am

i did end up alone in the shelter last night, which was my preference.  shelter mates generally have differing habits, which can be an irritant - talking, late to bed, snores, farts, restlessness, getting up to pee, early risers, rattling cookware, the wonderful WHOOSHing of the stoves...

since late last evening, loudly yakking geese, in formation, have been heading north on a path directly over top of the shelter.  after dark, the world up here became virtually silent.  all of the critters stopped their antics.  there was no wind to whistle through the cracks, or to whip the leaves about.  the valley sounds even ceased.  then, in my silent sleepy fugue state, when all seemed so right with the world, the quakking yakking far off sound began, getting closer and closer, and since i was on the flight path, and since i was on the ridgeline, the sound became soooooooo load and intense, that the geese seemed to fly right through the shelter.  it put a huge smile on my face each time<g>...

the sun has risen full glory.  i'm off to bears den as soon as i pack up...


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