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[at-l] The BEST Sleeping Bag Ever

It's not likely you'll find a synthetic bag that weighs less than 4 pounds=20
rated at 20 degrees, but most of them fall within your price range. =20

On the otherhand, if you check out the Campmor down bags you can one rated=20
20, at 2 and a half pounds and for less than $150 and of decent quality.  It=
may not be the best sleeping bag ever, but they're close to your parameters.

 <A HREF=3D"http://www.campmor.com/webapp/commerce/command/ProductDisplay?pr=
rfnbr=3D86908&prmenbr=3D226">Campmor: Campmor Goose Down 20=B0 Rectangular S=
leeping Bag Regular</A>=20


GRoberts@npr.org writes:

> I am looking for a 2 pound , or less sleeping bag rated to 20-30 degrees
> (I'm a warm sleeper) and very compactable.  In the summer it would be used
> more as a quilt.  I don't care if it's down or synthetic (synthetic would=20=
> preferable). I'd like to be able to carry this bag inside my pack instead=20=
> outside.  I currently have an old Coleman which is 4.5 lbs (not rated but
> very comfy (losing loft tho).  My other requirements are that is must be a
> semi-rectangular and long minimum (I'm 6' 0" 240 lbs) range.  I cannot sle=
> in a mummy.  I'm a stomach sleeper who needs the legroom of a
> semi-rectangular bag. =20

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