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Re[2]: [at-l] trip planning - part 1...

Weary -

True enough.  When we started a Bartram Trail hike two years ago on top of 
Wayah in mid April, there was snow.  It really depends on where one camps 
each night.  While we had snow that morning, when we got down to Nantahala 
Lake it was 65 degrees and we camped that night with a low around 50 (behind 
the dam).  It's something of a crap shoot, which is why one must prepare for 
just about anything.


In a message dated 02/09/02 10:59:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
ellen@clinic.net writes:

> When I went to Georgia in mid April, I expected it would be like Miami in
> January. It wasn't. Ice froze in my water bottle on April 20.

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