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[at-l] Denatured alcohol container

At 05:08 PM 2/5/02 -0500, Felix wrote:
>While we're at it...whatever 'it' is...
>Can someone tell me what is 'denatured' about denatured alcohol...what makes
>it different from 'natured' alcohol...?

It's not that it's natured, it's either good natured or bad natured
and for the casual user, it's VERY difficult to determine the
difference.  In the '60s, brewers either got slip shod or greedy
and started foisting off bad natured alcohol as the good stuff
with holocaustic results.  Congress held hearings and in one
of the few, universally acclaimed actions of his otherwise
tainted term, Nixon signed the Denatured Alcohol Act mandating
by law that all alcohol be stripped of temperament during refining.