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[at-l] Patriots

And to think the one superbowl of my life that I'm not in New England!

To make this trail-related, I just got back from vaca in Costa Rica and
gaiters are a man's best friend in the rainforest. Feet stayed dry after
several hours of hiking in foot deep mud - would have been well over the
ankle many times.

My biggest disappointment there was what seemed to be seriously
neglected trails. They tended to funnel out very wide in the muddiest
sections from people searching for solid ground. There were stepping
logs on several locations, but not nearly enough. Does anyone know of
any organizations that try to instill proper trail maintenance/use of
trails in developing countries. I realize that heavy trail use isn't at
the top of the list of Costa Rica's environmental challenges, but every
bit counts.



 - Posted via http://forums.backcountry.net