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[at-l] Do your poles leak?

In a message dated 1/25/02 2:20:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
lwbooher@halifax.com writes:

> In Damascus, where the Leki reps mend poles during Trail Days, we call them
> Lek'-ee poles.  Don't know if that's the absolute correct pronounciation,
> but, if you call them that, everyone will know what you're talking about.
> anklebear

I've heard them pronounced both ways, and I think both are acceptable.  One 
way to find out is call the company and see how the answer the phone.  "Good 
Afternoon, Leaky Poles, Inc.!"  Another one for the pronunciation books is 
Appalachian.  Below the Mason-Dixon line it's pronounced Apple Latchun, above 
the Mason-Dixon line, it's Apple Lay shun.  

Apple Latchun Kelly

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