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[at-l] Update - AT at Katahdin

 The two AT shelters that were at Daicey Pond have been moved up to 
Nesowadnehunk (say sod-er-hunk) Field and reassembled.
 The three new AT shelters at Katahdin Stream Campground will be located at 
the new Cranberry Ledges Trail trailhead. That's across the Perimeter Road 
from the driveway to the Ranger's Cabin. The shelters are supposed to be 
larger than the Daicey Pond shelters were, holding 6 hikers each. The Rangers 
didn't know about any AT tent sites. The Shelters are supposed to be built by 
May 15th 2002, the first day that overnight camping is allowed in the Park. 
This links to a map of Katahdin Stream Campground ->  <A HREF="http://www.baxterstateparkauthority.com/camping/katahdin_stream.html";>Camping at Baxter State 
Park: Katahdin Stream</A> the new AT area will be on the right-hand side of the 
map, above and to the right of the word 'wooded.' 
 The AT will not be rerouted inside Baxter. The Cranberry Ledges Trail is 
already cut, and "connects with the AT along the river."
 Last week hundreds of people descended on Baxter State Park HQ in 
Millinocket, lining up the night before to snatch up hard to get 
reservations. Prime dates at the Cabin Campgrounds and backcountry lean-tos 
went quickly. The HQ was swamped all week. I visited HQ Tuesday morning, got 
reservations for nine different dates with little problem. I made plans for 
one trip by finding out when open dates were at Roaring Brook and Chimney and 
Russell Ponds, and lacing them together.
 They have "hundreds" of mail order requests, and sort them into "from Maine" 
and "from Away" piles. The "from Maine" requests get filled first on a daily 
basis. 30% of spaces are held back in reserve for Maine residents only. 
They're put back into general circulation about a week ahead if they're not 
 I hiked into Hurd Brook, took some Katahdin photos, cooked breakfast and 
lunch, and froze my butt. Another great day on the AT! :O)

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