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[at-l] Cameras - Say Cheese!

I want pictures. I will carry a camera on my thru.
So -
1) what are the advantages and disadvantages of slides vs. digital vs.


A professional photographer ran a workshop on digital photography at the ATC
conference last summer. He strongly recommended against a digital camera for a
thru hike. His reasons? Battery life. Very expensive storage if you want more
than mediocre results, fragile equipment, expense.

 2)I am no technical camera
bug, but I do publish photos from time to time. Does that doom me to slides?

Answer Most publications prefer slides. I find slides produce the best pictures
in the newsletters I publish.

3).  I also wouldn't mind putting some pictures on my website, esp. as I went
along. Does that doom me to digital?

Answer. Not to a digital camera, but to a digital scanner to convert slides or
film to digital. You will need some one back home who can operate a scanner.
Very easy. But it does require some attention to details. Fairly decent scanners
run around $200. Get one that will handle slides and negatives. HP has an
excellent one that my wife just bought for $199.

4) Am I doomed to carry a heavy camera?

Answer. No. My point and shoot weighs 11 ounces with film.

5) I already have a Minolta Freedom Action Zoom 90. I don't mind getting another
if it will suit my needs (i.e., lighter, significantly better picture quality,

Answer If the pictures look good, they are good. Most such cameras take good
pictures. A slightly longer focal length is marginally useful, but not worth
spending a lot of money on. The same is true of an ounce or two of extra weight.


I took slides on the trail, because I knew MATC and AMC would ask for shows. I
was surprised how many additional invites followed those two. MATC especially
wanted some trail maintenance pixs. But I sought to document pretty much those
things that one sees while hiking the trail. With that theme I don't have to do
a lot of talking when I show the slides. I tell folks, "This is what you see"
and then I pop 240 slides on a screen with minimum explanations and a joke or
two. MOst audiences don't want elaborate explanations of who, what and why.

Increasingly all my photos are slides. I needed a scanner for my newsletters and
I tend to take too many pictures anyway in an effort to get the one "that's just
right." With prints I have 12 prints for everyone that is really worth looking
at. The rest just kick around in a file, taking up space.

With slides I scan in those that I like and print them on my printer. Excellent
results can be gotten from $100 printers these days. I sense that slides overall
are cheaper, better and more versatile. YMMV
