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[at-l] watch alarms

OK, so here's an idea...

I generally do not advocate bringing a pager into the woods, but most pagers 
now have alarms in addition to the regular paging functions.  Set the pager 
to vibrate and put it under the hood of your sleeping bag.  You should be 
able to feel it without disturbing the entire shelter or campground.

Ok, so here's yet another idea...

Are there regular watches available with vibrate functions?  Perhaps made 
for the (truly) deaf?

Stitches, GAME99

>From: "Dave Hicks" <daveh@psknet.com>
>Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 07:01:12 -0600
>With me it is an age issue.  I have yet to find an alarm wristwatch that I
>can hear more than a foot away from my ear.

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