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[at-l] dirty question

Dirtiest I ever managed?  Hmm, I guess it would have had to be somewhere
around North Adams, Massachusetts on my Thru-Hike.  

Megan came to visit me for a few days and brought with her my smaller pack. 
I would be moving from my Dana Terraplane into my Dana BombPack for the rest
of the hike.  

Well, I can't say a whole lot about how bad I stunk, she made me get into
the shower immediatelyafter we got our room.  The stinky part of the story
comes when she got a ride back to the airport with my big pack and some of
the stuff I was sending home with her.  She was riding with Kampfire, a
wonderful trailangel I got to know all along my trip.  He's a wonderful man
who was living out of his van for months, riving the lentght of the trail
helping out anyone he could anyway he could.  long hair, looked like any
hiker trash youve ever met and the inside of his van matched.  Well, the
state police stopped them on their way to the airport and aftera few minutes
of talking with Kampfire, they decided he was the unsavory sort and did a
complete search of the van.  they went through EVERY nok and cranny. no
cupboard or container was left untouched or searched.  EXCEPT my pack, which
was rather full at the time with both my and Megans things, so it wasn;t lke
it was missed.  They didn't go anywhere near it.

Moose 97

-------Original Message-------

From: Bluetrail@aol.com
Date: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 8:21:35 PM
To: at-l@backcountry.net
Subject: Re: [at-l] dirty question

OB, congratulations on being so stinky. And so quickly! 

It usually takes a few weeks to get that hiker stench to permeate your pack 
and sleeping bag and tent. When people retch if they get near your stuff, 
you will really have accomplished something.


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