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[at-l] at-l] Is 53lbs. "lite"? Part II.

> Dinner I,II,III: Pringles (480/half tin), PepperJack Cheese
> 400/4oz), summer sausage (400/4oz)                     (~1280)

Wow! Pringles have more fat than either summer sausage or pepperjack cheese?
Who knew?

> Breakfast: Little-Debbie-The-Hiker's-Friend Nutty Buddys (370)
> Coffee: suckin' Folgers Crystals out of a...  bottle, swishin' and >swallowing...
Oh, say it ain't so...!
    Jan Leitschuh Sporthorses Ltd.


E-mail:  mailto:janl2@mindspring.com
