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[at-l] Daypack advice

I have been reassessing my pack collection and have decided that Santa needs 
to bring me yet another pack.  I have spoken directly with him and it will be 
under the tree if I can figure out what I want.  I know I need to try it on, 
yadda, yadda, yadda, but wondered if anyone has a pack they are in love with. 
 I am looking for a 2000-2200ci daypack. Weight is not as much of an issue as 
durability as this pack will be doing a lot of traveling, including my trip 
to Scotland this spring.  It will be sent through baggage more than once over 
the next year and I don't want to have to worry about damage from rough 
handling. It needs to have a decent suspension system, at least one outside 
pocket and preferably not be a Kelty. 

Work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance 
like no one's watching. - unknown


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