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[at-l] New Baxter rules

In a message dated 11/9/01 1:53:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
mfuller@somtel.com writes:

>          Between this and the recent pissing
> contest between the town of Stratton and the manager of the
> Bigelow Preserve[*], I have to wonder whether we're seeing a
> new trend in Maine of ill will toward trail advocates (which
> unfortunately will also be taken out on hikers).
> Can't imagine why?

        ~~~  Ahhh, let's see. Maybe downward-spiraling development pressures 
which have always brought out the worst in people that the Trail was designed 
to be a sanctuary from perhaps??????

     MFuller, they didn't have a problem in the past, why do they now? I 
can't help but see this as a predatory, draconian vilification of otherwise 
humble land preservers supporting a decent cause. 

     MFuller, what is your involvement in the AT Project and its quest to 
preserve wild areas? You seem to be enjoying a bad situation for the Trail?

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