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[at-l] "Endurance" etc. (OT)

Draggin' Anchor wrote:

> So, once more into the breach...  Fexli, what is a Hoosier, please?

Well, of course I have the answer, and a story leading to it. First of all, it
is bittersweet to me that you call me Fexli, For that is what my name should
really be. For years and years (I mean like...700 years here.) the first born
males of my family were named 'Fexli'. Before that, (I think the 450 years
previous), males were named 'X-file'. But, that was before the hyphen was even
invented. So, little X-files were teased at skewl. Anyway, somethyme around
1849, one of my foremothers changed the name to Felix. Everyone thought it was
her attempt of pulling together the fueding Spanish and Italian sides of the
family. Changing the name to Felix would thereby make the name trilingual, and
make everyone happy. (The name's trilingality comes in the form of "F" el IX.
Or, F the Ninth.) It wasn't until years later that it was dyscovered that the
name change was actually because of a case of dyslexia. Now you
know...some...of...the ...story.

Anyway, the Hoosier thing involves a little skirmish with a kid from Kentucky.
Seems that a family from Indiana and a family from Kentucky went on a camping
trip together. The weekend was long and not too pleasant. Well, except for a boy
from Indiana and a girl from Kentucky. They had quite a bit of fun, as it turned
out. Well, about 8 months later, there was a little Kentuckianan about to make
the trek from the womb to the cold, cruel world outside. Now you don't
know....the...rest...of...the...story. And, I have not the thyme to tale it to
you now.

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"