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Fwd: [at-l] Need input as to winter hiking the AT

Stephen C. Gay wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >I guess I'll start out with a question that has been on my mind for a 
> >time. Is it possible to start hiking the AT from GA in 
> >I REALLY hate hiking in hot weather, but don't want to get snowed in
> >somewhere along the trail? I've heard that blizzards can hit the peaks in
> >the Smokies and drop 3-5 feet of snow. Uh, I've never hiked in that kind 
> >weather and shutter at the thought. As always, thanks for any feedback.

Stephen -
Now that you've got conflicting opinions - it may be time to point out that 
Weary and I made entirely different assumptions about your intentions - and 
that neither of us knows exactly what you meant.  Only you can sort that 

Weary apparently assumed that you meant to start in Sept and finish in Jan.  
In which case, his scenario is exactly right.

I assumed that you meant to start sometime in that five month period and 
finish in late spring/early summer.  Personally, it wouldn't even occur to 
me to finish in Maine in Jan.  I don't mind snowshoeing - but I don't need 
that much of it.

As I previously noted, Incense started from Springer on the first of October 
-- and finished the second week in May.  Not exactly a 5 month hike.  He 
deliberately took his time - and enjoyed the trip.  He didn't want to get to 
Katahdin before it opened in the spring.  Getting to Katahdin while the 
mountain is closed and not being allowed to summit isn't the best way to 
finish a thruhike.  There are others who have done northbound winter 
thruhikes - I think at one time the ATC had a list of names of people who 
had done it that way.  Call them and they'll probably send it to you.

In any case, once you figure out how much winter you can stand, try the 
question again :-)

Walk softly,

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