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Re[3]: [at-l] What do you do...

"...why are you sending the same post twice.  It's no more
true and no more false the second time than it was the first."

My internet provider has changed phone numbers for connecting. For several days, strange things have
been happening to my mail. Messages sent Friday and Saturday are suddenly showing up. Sometimes I
get messages asking if I want to send a message now. Not having any idea what my computer is
talking about, I generally answer yes.

But to comment on your comment. Governments are made up of humans, generally humans that are more powerful than the
run of the mill humans and with greater powers of decision than ordinary humans. Being made up
of people, governments sometimes do unwise things by mistake or by design.

That's one reason why forums such as this need from time to time deal with political matters.
Someone needs to be watching and battling for the good decisions or they won't be made. Someone
needs to be watching and battling against bad decisions or they will continue to be made.

Most of the evils of government could be eliminated if we all stay alert and are willing to speak up
when necessary. Unfortunately, most are too complacent and lazy other than from time to time to rise up and
"throw the rascals out." Sadly such upheavals usually get rid of the good and bad alike.

Call it immoral if you like. But the nature of governments are well known. They are a necessary
evil. They provide a mechanism for us doing things together that most can't do individually, such as
preserving and protecting long distance trails. It behooves those of us who realize this to use
governments as best we can to accomplish good things and to minimize the bad things.
