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[at-l] another rainy Labor Day in the Smokeys???

I don't think so.

I've been working too hard. (I'm fried.)

Did it last year, and still have the damp shoes to prove it.

I was REALLLLYYYYY looking forward to Big Creek. Last night, I even
thought I'd have to work the weekend. (Well, still might, actually.)

So I pull a SECOND all nighter, and what do I have for my trouble?
A $110.00 ticket on my car (in the State parking lot, NOT on the street)
for mis-parking (been working there through TEN legislatures, and NOW
they're going to ticket??? -- And not $7.50 or even $15.00, but [no typo]
$110.00.) I NEEEEEDDDD the Smokys. 

<insert unenthused, perfunctory string of epithets here>

Spatior, Nitor, Nitor, In Nitor!

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