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[at-l] PA RUCK what do you want?

The first Ruck, in Harper's Ferry, opened up the whole world of long-distance hiking and backpacking for me.  To see, touch, and smell gear. To look at other people's slides and photos, and listen to their stories. Our little hike along the AT from Crampton Gap to Weverton Cliffs -- which was a struggle for me, as I recall -- was the first time I'd ever walked a measured distance. I recall my wonderment: "I walked how far? In how long?"

It made me realize I could do it.  And, gentle readers, I've been hiking and backpacking ever since. It's in my blood now. 

At the next Ruck, I was a bit of a loner. My sister was dying. It was my first opportunity to get away from the caretaking scene for 5 months, and I relished being able to take a quiet walk in the woods, to sit by the frozen lake, to talk to people and find comfort. The intimacy was the thing I needed, people who talked my language. 

Subsequently, I helped as an organizer. But it got too big, too unwieldly, and I felt like I spent 2 years in the kitchen. So I didn't bother to come last year. I'm a terribly responsible person, and if I don't see something getting done, I jump in and do it. My only way around that is to NOT see the things getting not done, LOL...

I hope to ... plan to ... come back. I miss the camaraderie, but figure it will be more meaningful to me before I do my thru.  So when you see me at another Ruck...you'll know my start date!

But I prefer that the Ruck stay small, and that it not be an event on the ALDHA calendar and the ATC homepage. It's our baby. Let's take care of it gently.

My 0.02,