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Re[6]: [at-l] R&R Why are you here?

Looks like the few weeks I've been away from the list haven't brought any 
decrease in the RnR discussion.  So here's my unsolicited opinion here (as 
one who's been on the list for a long time, but maybe not very prolific.  
This list, the AT-L, has always been a nice campfire for social discussion 
about the trail, for the most part.  Some politics are discussed from time to 
time POLITELY most of the time.  But predominantly the discussion has 
resembled a nice campfire chat.  


I tire of the endless debate with both sides trying to prove their 
"rightness".  I am also very saddened by the people leaving the list due to 
the recent tone.  Folks, are we going to let ONE GUY change the whole tone of 
the list?  If you don't like what he has to say then just don't read it.  
Somebody once told me you can't argue with someone who has a BELIEF.  Beliefs 
can't be changed by reasonable discussion, only opinions can be changed.  If 
RnR has strong beliefs, so be it!  That's wonderful.  Why many of us choose 
to keep pounding away on him and his beliefs is what astounds me.  Let him go 
and maybe when he finds that nobody cares to take up the banner against him, 
he will step down from the pulpit and either join in reasonable discussion or 
get bored with our campfire and go find a more political forum.

I am also tired of our list being chastised even by some of our members for 
not having any political feelings or opinions or fervor or whatever.  Just 
because we don't want to discuss it here at the campfire doesn't mean we 
don't have strong feelings.  Just like you don't discuss politics or religion 
at thanksgiving dinner doesn't mean you don't have opinions.  CAN'T THERE BE 
ONE LIST WHERE WE JUST RELAX???  This has always been this list.  Don't let 
it become so stressed out that nobody comes around anymore.

So that's it for me on the soapbox!

Hope you all had a happy 4th.
