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[at-l] Re: A Good Business Model?

OB commented about what he perceived as some service problems at Rainbow 
Springs and was promptly labeled arrogant by those who disagreed (it's a 
good thing we can say what we think on this list without people taking us 
to task over it).  I made the general observation that businesses often 
succeed despite the fact that they do (or don't do) things that are 
supposed to be deadly to businesses.  In response I got jumped on too by 
folks who came to the defense of Rainbow Springs even though I was talking 
about businesses in general and had only second hand information about RSC 
(some positive and some negative).

This just proves my observation.  You don't have to run a business 
according to MBA standards to succeed.  There are enough people out there 
that are happy (for whatever reason) with what they get, that less than 
model businesses survive.   If a business chooses not to make a continuing 
effort to listen to complaints and "do it better" (referred to in business 
circles as "continuous improvement" which, BTW, is not kissing butt), it 
may or may not have a negative effect on the longevity of the 
business.  The beauty of a thru-hike for both parties is that if a 
thru-hiker isn't satisfied, you just keep on walking.  There's an endless 
flow of others coming behind you that just may be happy with what you were 
not.  To each his own.
