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[at-l] And now, a scenic break....

--- rhymworm@mindspring.com wrote:
> I dunno Toey. 
### But I suspect you're gonna tell me anyway.

> Is it ignorance and bigoted to tell you that it bothers me?
### No, it's your ignorance regarding trail running that generates your
bigotry regarding trail runners -- as is always the way: ignorance begats
bigotry. Your voicing your opinion, I think we'd agree, is your

> Given the purposes and structure of the Trail, I won't argue that
> trail-runners shouldn't have the right to enjoy it too. 
### Would you agree that you're perilously close?

> But that doesn't mean I have to like it when they (or Leki-clattering
> fast backpackers, for that matter) rush past me.
### No one's said *or* implied you had to *like* it, just that you
shouldn't think their place/pace is any less worthy than your own. You're
failing to grant them that. Your right to *your* trail is no different
than their right to *their* trail. It's your intolerance that's giving you
the ulcer, not their passage.

> Yes, when Kahley doesn't move at all, she scores highest on your
> hypothetical scale of moral purity.
### Ain't *my* scale, R-Dub, but yours.

> It's easy enough to make the logical case that the faster someone goes
> on the Trail, the more intrusive they become.
### Holy shit. Read this sentence over in a week or so and see if you
don't find it patently evil. Should we have them wear little yellow stars,
then? Perhaps mandate a minimum pack/body weight of 20%? And can we get
those damn limping, sweating day hikers off the trail *yet*? 
### Let me be clear, RW: I'm not wanting to imply that *you* are
advocating any of these things. I *do* want to imply that where ANY amount
of bigotry cloaks itself in morality, you will have rightious evil
hurrying around the corner. Thus, as soon as *you* entertain ANY notion
that you or your hiking pace are somehow better than someone else's,
you've invited an us/they discrimination that turns away from anything
good, inclusionairy, or fellowship-minded in the out-of-doors community.
And you, ah, haven't struck me that way before. (Nor, for the record, do I
think you're tied to that now.)


> Sloetoe <sloetoe@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > --- rhymworm@mindspring.com wrote: It's not a terrible problem now,>
> really, but I'll never be one to encourage trail-runners because I
> > believe that a rapid pace, of any sort, is inherently foreign to the
> > experience I value most while in the woods.
> ### Which puts us right back to ignorance/bigotry, unless I missed some
> bit of logical transition in there, RW. You're saying your place in the
> woods, in a moral scaling, ranks above that of the trail runner. And
> that sucks: is, then, kahley's still-slower speed more correct thanyours?

Spatior, Nitor, Nitor, In Nitor!

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