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[at-l] Trip Report

Hal Wright wrote:

> * Cows find hikers fascinating.

I too have noticed this. I suspect that cows are actual great and deep

> * In the Cumberland Valley on a cloudless spring day, even SPF 300 wouldn't
> be enough.

I have had good luck with a hat, though.

> * Seeing the disappointment in onlookers eyes when they hear that you're
> "only" a section hiker gets tiresome by day 4 and mile 60.

Never bothered me. Most onlookers are quite interested if you share details of
even your 60 mile hike -- especially if you relate a tale of overcoming a near
disaster (ala the current Stitches and Cheerio North Georgia storm thread)

> * The other hikers' food choices always look better than your own.


> * Tin can stove man is the early favorite person of the decade.

TCSM is the Boss! He RULES! Yay, TCSM!!!

> * In PA, the second Saturday in April is not a good day to be a trout.

They were releasing them when I went through. Still, no doubt not such a
pleasant experience for the poor trout.

> * Cows can't climb steps.

Don't be so sure.

- Gary from Fairfax