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A New Currency WAS:Re: [at-l] WANTED!!

In a message dated 2/22/01 6:20:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
m_factor@hotmail.com writes:

> What I also wonder about why so few hikers also figure in the opportunity 
> cost (now there's a term from Econ 101) of the thruhike.  Is that because 
> it's too depressing to think about?

When we were at the Georgia Ruck we figured with equipment cost, 
transportation cost, out of pocket expenses, and lost wages, it will cost me 
$62,000 to do my thru hike.  62,000/180 days equals $344.00 a day.  You 
wonder why people don't take the time to figure it out?  I can just imagine 
myself in Massachusetts-rain, mosquitoes, mud and me thinking "I paid 344 
dollars for this day?"


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