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[at-l] Clingmans Dome

In a message dated 2/7/2001 8:50:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
iameyers@yahoo.com writes:

> My parents are dropping us off at Springer at the end
> of March.  They really wanted to go to Clingmans Dome,
> but my mom said the road doesn't open until April 1? 
> Is there a way they can get up there without an
> overnight hike?  They both hike, but not a whole lot,
> so it would have to be a pretty easy trail.  If not,
> do you have any other recommendations in the Smokys
> area of an easy hike they can do?  

The road to Clingmans Dome would be closed, but the main road thru Newfound 
Gap may be open. If so they could park there and hike th Clingmans Dome road 
to the summit. It can be done in a day. Start early in the day.


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