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Re: [at-l] New on the list

At 11:25 AM 11/19/00 -0500, Rick Bohan wrote:

>A few questions:
>Is the list focused exclusively on the AT or are questions, info, etc.
>re: other Eastern areas, e.g., Dolly Sods, the Adirondacks, etc.

Technically (and we all know how fiercely we defend the rules here,hehehehe)
we are all about the AT but we revel in all trails and hike 'em too.
Ask away and I'm sure you'll get feedback or at least directions to other 

And WELCOME.pull up a log and have a smashmellow!

* From the AT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *

To:            "'Rick Bohan'" <bohan19@idt.net>, <at-l@backcountry.net>