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Re: [at-l] Solitude {was New GA Selter to be build.}

Yes, we read what you wrote. What I responded was that expectations and
reality of the trail are usually different. If you want to be alone "as
much as possible," then the NOBO AT may not be the trail you are hoping
for, as there are many trails with more solitude, including the SOBO
AT. If you are keen to be alone as much as the AT will allow, then you
will probably be in luck. 

This isn't an insult toward you or your expectations. Everytime I go on
the trail, it is a good deal different than I expected - sometimes
better and sometimes not. Personally, I don't use the shelters often
myself for many of the reasons stated above. I like having shelters
available during stormy weather, although I've sat through some windy
and nasty stuff in my little Nomad. I've learned how my housekeeping
can invite or discourage mice. You will learn similar lessons,
hopefully better than me. 

But as a section hiker graced to walk with thru hikers the past 2-3
years, I am quite impressed by the social connections that occur, and
enjoy the bits I get to share. I am also avoidant of some of that
culture. Did you know that rice cakes don't pack well? (there is a
story behind that)

Bill Thorneloe

--- Glenda D Hubbard <glenhubb@juno.com> wrote:
> Did anyone actually read what I said or did you all just scim through
> it.
>  I didn't say I wanted to be completely alone, I did say I was going
> to
> tent near the shelters.  Please reread what I wrote and do it slowly
> this time.

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To:            Glenda D Hubbard <glenhubb@juno.com>
Cc:            AT-L@backcountry.net