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Re: [at-l] (wal)Mass & V(ery sweet) T(ea)

>Come on, all you fellow New England natives, let's tell 'em why we're a 
>better place to visit...even if we don't have BBQ, NASCAR, and John Rocker.
Actually I found an excellent BBQ place when I was in NH last.  It was on
the road that runs north through North Conway, and on into the Whites.

Although this place was south of North Conway I think.  No I don't remember
where it was any better than that.  I do remember the heavenly smell of
ribs and, yes, they were very yummy.

Speaking as someone one who grew up eating the real deal in Florida, I can
say it was not at all bad.  In fact the best I ever hand in New England.  

Wish I had some now...

Ahhh... now I'm hungry again,

Take Care,
* From the AT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
