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[at-l] Camping..was It's YOUR Gathering...

Last night i talked to Jim and Ginny Owen and asked if they remembered
any details of the steering commitee.  They didn't really....geesh...
wassamatter wid them <g>. I mean they are only weeks away from
the PCT and becoming triple crowners BTW.  (That impresses me, but I
think it phases them ...wow)
Anyway.....based on their Trail fogged memory and mine which is fogged
from other things, we believe the reference to camping and the parking
concerns the problem with parking last year, which got a bit accute on 
Saturday night.  We started setting tents along the property line but
as more and more folks set camp, rather than ezpanding along the line
the tents sorta took over the field.  Which made for tricky parking and 
a dangerous mix of tents and cars....especially if people were

If this is correct, it may mean that the field where we all camped last
year may be devoted to cars and the tents will be set on the hills
nearer the fire.  This is just guess work but may complicat our efforts
to camp together.  Maybe someone who intends to get their early could
bring a helium filled balloon as a signal and lay claim to some turf 
so's we can camp en masse.  

Who ever does this, I have a request.  Can we hunker down near a privy,
bu not the privy closest to the fire???  Those fire folks seem to have
some trouble hitting the hole.....

Linda Patton wrote:
> Navigator wrote:
> > ...well, what'd y'all want to do? Camp together? Likely.
>         Possibly.  Reading the ALDHA website, I'm a little confused
> about camping.  Does anyone else gather that there will two areas--one
> on campus and one where it was two years ago (Folklife Center)?  Quoting
> from the Steering Committee Minutes: "We'll be sharing the grounds as they
> have a football game scheduled for Saturday. The showers have been reserved
> for us and there are many motels in the area. Camping will be available in
> area away from parking lot. There is concern about campfire safety."  So
> *which* parking lot?  I thought at first they meant some campus parking lot,
> but maybe they mean the parking area at the Folklife Center?
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