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[at-l] a sobo remembers..the worth of a black fly

A sobos remembers....

The Worth of a Black Fly

I was off the trail having a mostly liquid lunch with a couple of long-time corporate friends in a bar near Danbury, CT when the conversation turned to my experience with bugs while hiking in ME. I related how the mosquitoes and black flies in ME had been something that had to be experienced to be understood. I concluded my comments by saying that of the two, the black flies proven to be the most difficult to deal with. That although I understood conceptually that all creatures in nature had a place, I was at a loss to understand exactly what the worth of a black fly might be.

It was quiet for a minute or two while TJ and JFX pondered the question. Finally JFX looked over his martini glass and said, "Black flies are a reminder from God that this isn't heaven".

Made more sense than anything I had come up with.

ME-GA '99
In hiking there is no special recognition given for speed, style or 
finesse. There are only those that do the hike and those that don't.

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