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[at-l] that danged song

The Irish rock superband U2 had a minor hit a couple of years ago with a
song called "Sweetest Thing". I heard that song on my way to a place I
was going this morning. It's kind of a sappy song. It also causes my
eyes to tear up a bit. Not because it reminds me of a high school
sweetheart, or lost love, or ex-wife (all three being the same,
coincidentally). No. When that first piano key is hit, I am instantly
walking up a farm road somewhere around Big Bald, ankle-deep slush at my
feet, rain mixed with snow on my forehead. Bear tracks from right to
left...that song playing in my headfones.

God, I had a great hike. When I got home, I ate some ice cream.

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"

* From the AT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
