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Re: [at-l] Environmental Assessment for Saddleback Mountain

At 06:49 PM 2/14/00 -0500, Malcolm Fuller wrote:
>Davis Kiefer wrote:
>> It appears that the locals in favor of development put out a pretty hefty
>> mail-in campaign also.  However, I was not moved by the cries for economic
>> development.  Not every county in the country can be "Silicon Valley" or
>> "Research Triangle", or as in this case the "Vail Colorado of the East".
>> Some places are not meant to be developed.  Why is that so hard to
>> understand?
>Because the locals *live there,* and enlightened you does not.
It always amazes me when people choose to live in an area with limited
economic opportunity then want to develop it into a place they wouldn't
have chosen to live. I live *near* the Adirondack Park deliberately. I
*could* move there and then demand that there be more economic development
but then it wouldn't be the place I love. I sympathasize with those who are
born there and have emotional ties but my kids bit the bullet and moved to
where there is more opportunity and eventually I may too. You just can't
have it all.

Great guy, but he has nothing to do with this debate.

"Don't it always seem to go
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot"
Jonie Mitchell
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