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Re: [at-l] Mail Drops

Allyson Natalie Straka <alnstrak@indiana.edu> wrote:
> Anyone that could help me plan my mail drops would be my hero.  I am
> planning on doing 10 mail drops or about 1 every two weeks.  Anyone that
> has any input on where I should have my maildrops sent would be great.  I
> guess I just don't want to underestimate how long it will take to get to
> the next maildrop.  I figured some of you might have better knowledge of
> it than me.  Thanks in advance for any input.

I hope you are not planning to carry food for two weeks between
maildrops. Food is very heavy.

My worse days on the trail were the first days out of town. It's 
ALWAYS up out of town, and your pack always weighs the most it
will weight all week.

If I were going again, I would have MORE maildrops, not less. I
would not carry more than 4 days food if I could manage it. I
carried 8 days on one stretch this year and it nearly killed me!

My maildrop schedule - original and revised - is on the website
below, along with my food list and hiking plan(s), original and

GA>ME Class of 99
* From the AT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
