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Re: [at-l] bivies

>>> "Coosa" <coosa@alltel.net> 01/24/00 07:34PM >>>
Sloetoe yer a backpacker after me own heart, yer are yer are.

Now tell us the story!     Coosa

Well, the long version is in the archives (and my own copy is currently unavailable). So here's the short version:
1) Came into Cloverdale around 10:00pm, road walk, dog tired, crossing numerous choo-choo tracks. Thought (briefly) about sleeping on the first set; kept walking.
2) Reached Cloverdale PO (my garage[s] are bigger); slipped around back; bivied; collapsed.
3) Woke at unGodly o'clock in the dead of night, to white-hot light blazing right in my eyes, ground shaking, ears assaulted by tremendous RRRRRRRROAR of noise. Concluded I was about to be puried by 40,000 ton engine, and levitated into the air, staked out bivy and all, landing some 20-30 feet away.
4) The actual situation was a 4-engine freighter was starting up, full throttle and straining hard, going slow, ACROSS THE STREET. If I'da had the blood pressure, I'da pooped my pants right there.
Well, that's the short version. The long version don't make me any prouder. For those attending the ruck, I took a picture in the morning of where I "landed" compared to where I, ah, started. Quite a distance. And whomever wants to tell you a bivy's confining? Welllllllll.......................


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